Endosphères Therapy is globally recognised and respected treatment of excellence for the
whole face and body. Thanks to its revolutionary methods of treatment capable of addressing body and face imperfections: fighting cellulite, reversing the skin’s aging process, smoothing the look and feel of the skin, as a small selection of examples.
100% Non-Invasive massage. A safe, clinically tested therapy. Tones muscles and firm tissues. Eliminates toxins. Improves circulation. Remodeling the silhouette.
We are no wizards but miracles are what we do. The Endosphere Therapy is a brand new revolutionary method of treating cellulitis (any stage) in only a few sessions. The technology of compressed micro vibration lays in the core of the procedure. This vibration is created by special rotating spheres made from medical silicone. It gets the blood inside human body to actively micro-circulate. As a result, skin and muscle tissue receive more cellular nutrition. The process of burning the fat begins after only few sessions, the volume of the body starts to reduce.
The unique procedure of the Endosphere Therapy enables our patients to achieve great results without surgery, pills or putting too much strain on the body.
An important feature of this method is that not only does it work at the places where cellulite builds up but also leads to reducing the volume of the entire body.
Rotating at a special frequency, the spheres create vibrations that have devastating effect on fibrous walls holding fat cells. It’s important to point out that Endosphere Therapy equipment runs without any damage to one’s health. As with any other medical procedure, there might be some contraindications, such as pregnancy under 7 weeks, but our doctor will talk you through it during the free consultation.
Contact us to make an appointment and to form a personalized treatment plan!